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Articles on Sales techniques Archives | Page 3 of 4 | Awake By Five AM

Stop torturing your customers in your sales calls

why are you torturing your customers in your sales calls? Dog is confused

Seriously, stop torturing your customers in your sales calls. Unfortunately, too many sales reps do not even know that they are actually doing this right now.

If you are confused like the dog in the picture, then it is good that I got your attention.

The tortures range from cold calling with a script that sounds like a robot to face to face meetings where the sales reps just love the sound of their voices.

By the way, please do not mix the words “aggressive and selling” in the same sentence. Being aggressive is not selling. It is just being aggressive and your customers hate it. It is relentless.

All customers feel like they are just a number. And you wonder why customers treat sales reps as a number. It is self-inflicted.

Is it going to improve? At this point, most of the people I spoke to in my workshops and meetings said the same thing. “I hate receiving a cold call from sales reps”. So the current situation looks rather bad.

However, I am also optimistic because I know there are more good sales reps out there who do the right things and are willing to educate others in order to change this trend.

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The reasons why everyone hates sales reps.

A sales rep pointing a banana representing why everyone hates sales reps.

OK. I might be a bit dramatic on this statement that everyone hates sales reps. However, it does carry some weight. Be patient, and please hear me out. Do not point the banana at me.

In all the sales training and public presentation that I have done, I always open with the question “Does anyone here love sales reps?” Do you know how many hands go up? Nah dah! But when I ask. “Who hates sales reps?” Almost in unison, everyone’s hands are up. One or two will keep their hands down because they are sales reps and feel embarrassed to be among the crowd. It is comical, to say the least.

So what is going on? Why is there such a negative perception of sales reps? Apart from those with the sales reps title, everyone else thinks that it is the toughest job to have to sell. They feel that it is definitely not for them.

I can’t really blame “sales reps haters”. I actually empathize with them. Especially with new entrepreneurs who initially hated sales reps but later realize that they have to sell their products and services.

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We can’t assume that all extroverts can sell

An extrovert sell by shouting at the customer

Error in judgement that all extroverts can sell

It is a fallacy that all extroverts can sell. Many selling organizations also hire with this assumption. I know this because I was once a sales manager who is guilty of thinking the same. But it is not correct.

OK. Before every extrovert decides to hammer me on this, just hear me out. Stop budding in for a moment. Be patient and spare some time to listen to the points I am trying to make.

Many extroverts can sell. But it is an assumption that we have made in our society that every extrovert is best at selling. We assume that if you have the gift of the gab, you are guaranteed success in a sales role. As we all know, nothing is ever a guarantee. In fact, the strength of an extrovert can also be a weakness in sales.

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Who said that Introverts can’t sell?

Shy puppy demonstrating introvert and sell

I believe that introverts sell as well as anyone else.

You may have seen me on LinkedIn vlogs or YouTube discussing the principles of selling. One thing that you may not know about me is that I am actually quite a shy person. I am an introvert. I learned to sell and am still learning.

Like many introverts, sharing vlogs for the world to see is extremely daunting. I knew I have to overcome my fear. There is an inner drive within me to help others who are interested in selling. The end game is to help people to build the confidence they need in order for them to sell.

It may be a surprise for some to learn this. A lot of coaches I know also said that they are also introverts. A third of people on earth apparently are introverts (Susan Cain, Ted Talk). It takes an enormous amount of energy every time they are promoting in public. There is always this thing at the back of our heads; shyness and fear of rejections.

Introverts like myself learn to adapt. I have been selling as a sales rep and coaching others as a sales manager for a long time. Getting out of my comfort zone constantly. I learned to be disciplined and consistent in the way I convey my message about selling.

At Awake By Five AM, my vision is to reduce the negative perception people has about selling and convince other sales reps from being jerks.

Being an introvert should never be viewed as a disadvantage. As a general view, it can often work in your favor the fact that you are an introvert. You just need to learn basic sales principles.

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Sell yourself first before selling anything else

Sell yourself first before selling anything else

Selling yourself is a more ideal way of selling

Think about your last sales call. Did you sell your products and services first? Or did you sell yourself first? Depending on what you did at the start of the sales call, will determine how well you go.

“Raise your hands if you like sales reps”

Let’s be honest here. Not many people like sales reps.

They are viewed as pushy, aggressive, manipulative and just plain annoying. They make a lot of assumptions about you. “Always be closing” is their motto whenever they talk to anyone. They talk so fast sometimes, it is hard to get a word in.

Businesses and sales reps are looking for that magic bullet. That quick fix strategy. And also that fast talking, quick witted gun of a sales rep. Not to mention, that know it all person who has a memory of the Rainman to blast the customers with all their product knowledge in under 10 secs.

If anything, I think this trend is actually getting worst. I often ask a room full of people whether they like reps. Very often, no one raises their hands.

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Shut up! Let your customer speak and win more sales.

Shut up! let your customer speak and win more sales
Picture from Colin on Unsplash

Why shutting your mouth is a sales skill?

Sorry about the bluntness. Seriously, if you want to win more sales, you need to keep your mouth shut. Let your customers speak and express themselves. Stop interrupting.

Stephen Covey said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” In a sales conversation, this will have an enormous impact on your ability to engage with your customers and win sales.

In my business, I met a lot of people from different industries. These people are at different stages of their businesses and have something in common. They are very good at their crafts.

Unfortunately, do you know what is also a common challenge for them? They are not sure how to sell their crafts and deliver value to their customers. They are frustrated because of the lack of sales skill that has a negative impact on their sales. It is also the reason why so many people hate selling. So much so that they become sheepish about it. They tell me that they suck at selling because they do not know what to say.

Ironically, increasing customer engagement and winning more sales does not mean that you have to know what to say. Instead, you need to learn when to shut up and ask the right questions at the right time so that you improve your chance to win sales. That is the art and science of selling.

Please note, everyone sells differently. However, to be great at selling requires practice and willingness to learn. Some are able to work this out themselves. For those who are new to selling, they do need some guidance. If you are one of these people, you are welcome to read on.

I write this article to first challenge your preconceived belief about what selling is. Then I provide some guidance to those who do not know where to start.

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Minimalism in sales

Accessing all your files using OneDrive on iPad and iPhone will improve sales efficiency based on the minimalism principles

How did Minimalism began for me?

The founders of the Minimalists, Joshua Milburn, and Ryan Nicodemus summarised it perfectly. “Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom.” It is through the practice of minimalism that has helped me find the efficiency within my sales process.

As for me, I practiced minimalism a long time ago. It all started when I sold and removed all the pieces of furniture from my home more than 20 years ago prior to moving to Sydney for a career change. I was still living there for a couple of weeks. During this time, I noticed the additional space I had. So much so that it echoed when I spoke. One of the funniest memories is when my best friend came for dinner and he was shocked. “Were you robbed recently?” he asked.

Fast forwarding my life, I continued the minimalism practice until now in my new company, Awake By Five AM. The reason for this is because I enjoy the benefits minimalism offers throughout my sales and sales management career.

Is it quite ironic isn’t it? Combining the words “sales” and “minimalism” in the same sentence. The context that I will be focussing on is how I used minimalism principles to simplify the sales process using technologies.

Please note: I will be discussing the exact tools that I used to achieve my goals. There is no reason why you can’t use alternative tools to achieve the same result.

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Rejections: How to deal with them when selling?

Rejections is part of everyday life

This is an images of many red cards that says No that represents the many rejections you can face when selling.

Rejections occur in any sales call. Just remember this. It is not the end of the world. In this article, we offer suggestions on how to deal with the different types of rejections.

Before we get into this, let’s get some reality checks.

Remember the job applications, asking someone out, the proposal to your boss and time when you wanted that Xbox from your parents. You would think by now, rejection is just part of everyone’s life.

Have you heard of the term, “thick skin”? Some people just do not feel insulted or upset by what others say or do.

Technically, sales reps face more rejections than any other jobs. However, you are seeing this as a job.

If you think about it, there is no difference between selling yourself and selling your offers. Sales skill is a life skill. They are the same thing. By simple logic, we are all sales reps whether you like it or not.

Therefore, learning how to deal with rejections is just part of life and it is relevant to all of us, not just the people who want to sell or doing it as a job.

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Product training: A flawed sales system

The fallacy of product training

Product training with whiteboard

Everyone in your company has received the same product training. How come not everyone can sell the product still?

It took forever to design and deliver a great training presentation to the sales team. However, there is very little effect on the sales numbers.

Your sales team excel in regurgitating all the products features and benefits. But yet, their sales performance is average at best.

Does anyone ever ask the dreaded question, WHY?

The answer is very simple.

Your product training is flawed.

As confronting as it is, admitting that there is an issue here is a good start in creating engaging and effective product training.

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